
Yesterday, I was able to get 2 hours and 15 minutes of flying in perfect conditions so I now have a report on your prop that is accurate.

Static RPM is the same but the take off run is a little shorter, what is really noticeable is the increase in the rate of climb and the cruise speed which is 3 to 4 MPH higher.  She will now do 92-93 MPH at the same power setting of 1800RPM.

Vibration levels have dropped by around 40 to 50 percent which is simply amazing.
The finished propeller is beautiful.  Using a layer of fiberglass to protect the prop instead of the fabric cover on the original looks simply stunning

If any of your customers ask what I think about your props tell them this:

"I can thoroughly recommend Brent Thompson if you have any propeller requirements, there are very few people with his skills around today, you will not be disappointed."

Rod Hall-Jones.

Contact APP

Phone: +64 21 764 317

Email: aeropropellers@gmail.com

Address: 209 Puketawai Road
New Zealand


  • Please contact us regarding pricing.
  • Photos are indicative only, colours and layouts may vary slightly due to the nature of products such as wood used in finial construction.
  • Prices and availablity are subject to change without notice.
  • Aircraft owners must comply with all rules and regulations when removing, refitting or repairing their aircraft propellers.